I've been away from the computer for a couple of days - the weather has been so bloody good; far too good to waste it sitting inside hunched over a keyboard! But I can't let the weekend pass without some thinky-thoughts on the Doctor Who finale
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I've been looking forward to this one since I heard that James Corden was returning to DW to reprise his role as Craig. I thought The Lodger was one of the best episodes of S5 and I've enjoyed Gareth Roberts' work on both DW and SJA, so I was predisposed to like Closing Time anyway.
Anyone who reads my LJ either regularly or just for telly-related stuff knows (I hope) that I try to offer a considered opinion and to express my views politely.
My last post about the last ep of DW was more about all the unanswered questions that have been left hanging for three months rather than the episode itself, so now I've had a chance to rewatch it, I've got More Thoughts.
This is kind of a difficult review to write because the episode itself wasn't really all that much to write home about, was it? So here are some brief thoughts before I head off into other territory, because I have a rant brewing.
NB - Spoilers for the next episode beneath the cut.